«History Studies» is the electronic scientific journal of Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University which is officially registered by the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The question area of the journal will include a wide range of scientific subjects. Several special issues on World War I and certain aspects of studying of history of art are planned to be released. Articles in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages will be accepted for publication. The Board Editors of the journal include both distinguished historians of the Moscow university, as well as their colleagues from the leading scientific centers of Western and Eastern Europe and the USA. The journal will be issued quarterly. Articles are accepted for publication in Russian and English languages in all areas of historical knowledge. All materials received by the Editorial Board for consideration, are reviewed. Our journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the following principles: free and open access to research contributes to global exchange of knowledge.
You want to send an article to be published in our journal? We recommend that you see the section «About the Journal», where you can get acquainted with the «Author Guidelines», the terms of the transfer of copyright and privacy policy, as well as learn how our Publishing System works. New authors must register in our journal in order to be able to send materials, or if you are already a registered author, just log into the system from your account and begin the process of sending which consists of five simple sequential steps.
The nineteenth issue of the journal is already on the site |
2.09.2024 The main section of this issue is devoted to articles based on reports presented by students and graduates of the Department of General History of Art of the Faculty of History during the scientific seminar "Renaissance in Action. Spectacles and Arts in the Renaissance" in April 2023. The purpose of this seminar was to consider the connection between the plastic arts of the Renaissance and the spectacular culture using specific examples. |
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The eighteenth issue of the journal is already on the site |
8.2.2024 The articles presented to the reader’s attention were prepared based on the results of the conference «Second Proceedings in memory of I.V. Yatsenko». The proceedings took place on December 17–18, 2021 at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University on the basis of the Department of Archeology. The conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Irina Vladimirovna Yatsenko - an outstanding scientist, scythologist and antiquist, a wonderful teacher, creator of an authoritative scientific school, associate professor of the Department of Archeology, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. |
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![]() | ISSN: 2410-4671 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-55611 от 9 октября 2013 г. |