Message to the reader
This issue of the journal "History Studies" is devoted to the publication of the materials of the conference "Proceedings in memory of Irina Vladimirovna Yatsenko" which took place in December 16‑17, 2016 at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. "Proceedings" were organized on a voluntary basis of the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and were dedicated to the 95th birthday anniversary of an outstanding scythologist and antiquist, a remarkable teacher and a remarkable person, Assistant Professor of the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University Irina Vladimirovna Yatsenko (28.08.1921 - 06.10. 2014).
More than 50 speakers from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Transnistria, Germany, Switzerland and Monaco took part in the conference. These are well-known scythologists, sarmatologists and antiquists (including students of I.V. Yatsenko) representing at least 26 institutions namely: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences, West Kazakhstan Center for History and Archaeology of Kazakhstan, State Historical Museum, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts , The State Museum of the Oriental Arts, the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine, the Odessa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Zaporozhye Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Archaeological Museum-reserve "Tanais", the Historical and Archaeological Reserve Neapolis Scythian, the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum, the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco, the Slobozhansky Archaeological Service of Ukraine, the Institute of the Middle West Archaeology of the Free University of Berlin, the Russian State University for the Humanities, Voronezh State University, Saratov State University, Southern Federal University, Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Shevchenko Transnistrian State University and others.
The plenary session that opened the conference was devoted to the reports on the milestones of the life and creative path of I.V. Yatsenko, the memories of Irina Vladimirovna's students about their teacher, about the scientific and teaching manner of Irina Vladimirovna, about her remarkable personal qualities. There were lines from Irina Vladimirovna's memoirs about her studies at the Department of Archaeology of the Moscow State University, about the first experience of archaeological practice, about the years of the Great Patriotic war and post-war years, about Artemy Vladimirovich Artsikhovsky, the founder of the Department of Archфeology, about Boris Nikolaevich Grakov, the scientific teacher of Irina Vladimirovna, her friends and associates.
The plenary part of the conference was reflected in four publications placed in the section "To the 95th anniversary of Irina Vladimirovna Yatsenko". The main milestones of the difficult life of I.V. Yatsenko, her fruitful scientific and teaching activities are presented in the article of Irina Vladimirovna’s students A.R. Kantorovich and E.A. Popova (Moscow). A.G. Pleshivenko (Zaporozhye) relying on the materials of personal correspondence of the outstanding scythologist B.N. Grakov (the scientific teacher of I.V. Yatsenko) tells about the first fieldwork of young Irina Vladimirovna in the expeditions of the Department of Archaeology of the Moscow State University in Zaporozhye and Nikopol regions in summer of 1944 and 1945. Irina Vladimirovna’s student T.M. Kuznetsova (Moscow) reports about her student history and about scientific and methodological approaches of I.V. Yatsenko, about her most important motto given to her student: "Read the sources thoroughly!" Finally, in the article of F.V. Shelov-Kovedyaev (Moscow) we get aware of I.V. Yatsenko’s school years, we learn about the author’s meetings during his childhood and youth with Irina Vladimirovna with whom he was bound by the common circle of the Moscow scientific and artistic intellectuals.
After the plenary session, the work of the conference was continued within the framework of two sections - the Scythian-Sarmatian Archaeology and the Archaeology of Classical antiquity. 46 oral reports were heard and 1 poster report was submitted at the sections. In compliance with a wide range of scientific interests of I.V. Yatsenko the actual problems of archaeology and history of Eastern, Middle and Southern Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle Asia were discussed t in a chronological framework from the end of the Bronze Age - the beginning of the Iron Age (late II - early I millennium BC) to the end of Sarmatian time (middle I millennium AD), with an emphasis on scythology and antiquity. New even sensational results of excavations were presented in the course of the reports, traditional historical and archaeological concepts were discussed, new approaches, methods and research technologies were substantiated.
The results of the Scythian-Sarmatian Archaeology and Archaeology of Classical antiquity sections of the conference are reflected in the two corresponding sections of the proposed issue of the journal.
In the section "Scythian-Sarmatian Archaeology" we publish the results of researches as the famous monuments of the Scythian archaeological culture - the royal barrow Kozel (article by N.I. Belovintseva, E.V. Perevodchikova, K.B. Firsov (Moscow)), Nemirov settlement (article by M.Yu. Vakhtina and M.T.Kashuba (St. Petersburg)), Belsk settlement (article by S.Ya. Olgovsky (Kiev)), and of Scythian barrow groups, discovered relatively recently (articles by V.I. Gulyaev (Moscow), A.R. Kantorovich and V.E. Maslov (Moscow), V.N. Okatenko and S.A. Skoriy (Kharkov - Kiev)), as well as of the well-known complexes of the Sarmatian period (article by M.Y. Treister (Bonn - Berlin)). The historical and linguistic aspects of Scythian studies are considered in the article of S.V. Kullanda (Moscow), the Scythian animal style of the Crimea is analyzed in the article of R.V. Zimovetz (Kiev), theoretical aspects related to the systematization of data on the decor of Scythian weapons is considered in the publication of Yu.G. Kokorina and Yu.A. Lichter (Moscow).
In the section "Archaeology of Classical antiquity" some of the articles are devoted to the analysis of materials of well-known antique monuments - the site of the antique settlement "Chaika" near Evpatoria (article by T.V. Egorova (Moscow)), Gorgippia (article by D.I. Zherebyatyev, S.V. Koroleva, A.A. Malyshev, V.V. Moor and A.M. Novichikhin (Moscow-Sevastopol-Anapa)) and Kharax (article by N.G. Novichenkova (Yalta)). Another publication presents the results of excavations of a new antique settlement (article by I.V. Rukavishnikova, E.V. Perevodchikova and M.Yu. Menshikov (Moscow)). Two articles are devoted to the general historical problems (the article by V.P. Kopylov and F.V. Shelov-Kovedyayev (Rostov-on-Don-Moscow)), art history and numismatic problems (article by SA Kovalenko (Moscow)) connected with antique archaeology and history.
In addition to the reports reflected in the above-mentioned publications reports of the following authors were presented at the conference: S.S. Bessonova (Kiev), I.V. Bruyako (Odessa), V.S. Sinika (Tiraspol), J. Maggai (Monaco), V.I. Mordvintseva (Simferopol), Yu.B. Polidovich (Kiev), V.P. Tolstikov (Moscow), D.V. Zhuravlev (Moscow), A. Solká (Geneva-Moscow), S.Yu. Saprykin (Moscow), S.Yu. Monakhov (Saratov), A.B. Kolesnikov (Moscow). E.A. Popova (Moscow), T.A. Ilyina (Moscow), S.V. Demidenko and A.A. Kadiyeva (Moscow), A.S. Balakhvantsev and Ya.A. Lukpanova (Moscow-Uralsk), I.N. Khrapunov (Simferopol), A.P. Medvedev (Voronezh), S.Yu. Vnukov (Moscow), Yu.P. Zaitsev and I.I. Shkriblyak (Simferopol), E.A. Beglova (Moscow), S.M. Ilyashenko (Rostov-on-Don), S.I. Lukyashko (Rostov-on-Don). E.V. Fokeeva (Moscow), O.A. Galdanova (Moscow), E.A. Savostina (Moscow).
Generally speaking the conference was conducted at a high scientific level in an atmosphere of mutual respect and creative discussions. A detailed and interested discussion of the reports was held. As a result of the conference its participants unanimously decided to continue the tradition of "Proceedings in memory of Irina Vladimirovna Yatsenko" at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University giving them the status of a regular forum.
(c) 2017 Исторические Исследования

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![]() | ISSN: 2410-4671 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-55611 от 9 октября 2013 г. |