Message to the reader
This issue of our journal is mainly devoted to French topics. Its first section contains publications based on the materials of the round table “1968 in Europe and America: Events and Understanding” held at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University on December 13, 2018. More than 20 specialists in contemporary history from various Russian universities and research institutes in Moscow, Kazan, Yaroslavl took part in it. The speakers discussed general features and characteristics of the events that took place in France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Sweden at the end of the 60s of the XX century and influenced the further development of socio-political and socio-economic processes in these countries and the world in general.
Scientific publications placed in the “Articles” section are devoted to French realities. Their authors analyze various phenomena in the socio-political history of France in the 19th century, during the Second World War, in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Of undoubted interest for readers is the work of the French professor from the Institute for Political Studies (Paris) P. Cauchy in which the scientist discusses the reasons for the appearance and main features of the “yellow vests” movement that arose in 2018.
The section “Source Studies and Historiography” presents the article written by Gloria Evanhelina Ornelas Tavares (Mexico), a researcher and lecturer at the National Pedagogical University of Mexico City which summarizes the results of an ethnographic study of the festive cycles of the autochthonous population of the Mexico City Valley. Drawing on the work of the outstanding Mexican anthropologist Andrés Medina the author examines the festive cycles in the broader context of history, social organization and the worldview of the indigenous people.
The issue also contains a new section “Abstracts of conferences and round tables”. It contains materials of three scientific meetings of students and postgraduates organized by lecturers of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History in December 2018: “Evolution of French foreign policy during the presidency of F. Mitterrand”, “Euroscepticism in the modern EU: a threat to European unity?” and “Right-wing Populism in the Modern World”. In their theses young historians raise such important issues of international life as the reasons and essence of the evolution of France's foreign policy during the presidency of F. Mitterrand and the manifestation of the phenomenon of Euroscepticism in various countries; talk about the origins and prospects of a new wave of right-wing populism, wondering whether it is possible to speak of its growth as a temporary phenomenon or whether it is more correct to consider it as a new round in the development of political systems of the Western world and the modern system of international relations in general.
The issue ends with the “Reviews” column. The reader will find some scientific reviews of several recently published works: a monograph written by the contemporary French historian E. de Mari, which studies previously undeveloped problems of terror during the French Revolution of the 18th century; the last book of the famous Russian historian and political scientist I.M. Bunin on the election campaign in France in 2017 and the first events of President E. Macron and the research of a major specialist in the history of World War II and the Resistance movement in France O. Wieviorka about the activities and characteristics of the Western European Resistance movement.
(c) 2019 Исторические Исследования

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![]() | ISSN: 2410-4671 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-55611 от 9 октября 2013 г. |