Ключевые слова
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Герни О.Р. Хетты. М., 1976.
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Hawkins J.D.The hieroglyphic inscription of the Sacred Pool Complex at Hattusa (Stüdienzu den Boĝazköy-Texten, Beiheft 3).Wiesbaden, 1995.
Jenkins J. Greek Architecture and its Sculpture. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006.
Macqueen J.G.The Hittites and their Contemporaries in Asia Minor (Revised and Enlarged Edition).London, 2001.
Mellaart J. The Late Bronze Age Monuments of Eflatun Pinar and Fasillar near Beysehirp // Anatolian Studies, Vol. 12 (1962). P. 111-117.
Neve P. Hattusa – Stadt der Götter und Tempel. Mainz, 1996.
Seeher J.Hattusha. A Day in the Hittite Capital.AncientAnatolian Towns: 2. Istanbul, 2011.
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